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Learning at 360° Kids Play School

At 360° Kids Play School, our program is meticulously designed to help children build on their prior knowledge and experiences, develop foundational skills, and foster positive attitudes toward learning. These early experiences are the first steps in a continuum of education that lays the groundwork for lifelong learning. Our learning expectations are tailored to be developmentally appropriate for young children, providing a strong foundation for future academic success.

Learning at 360 Kids Play School

Learning Expectations

Our curriculum covers six key areas of learning:

  1. Personal and Social Development
  2. Language
  3. Mathematics
  4. Science and Technology
  5. Health and Physical Activity
  6. The Arts

Comprehensive Programs

Programs based on our learning expectations take into account the diverse range of children’s life experiences and situations. These expectations are not a set of isolated skills but represent a continuum of thinking and developmental stages appropriate for young learners, including critical thinking skills.

Expectations Structure

For each area of learning, we outline two sets of expectations:

  1. Overall Expectations

    • These describe the general knowledge and skills children are expected to demonstrate by the end of Kindergarten.
  2. Specific Expectations

    • These provide a more detailed description of the knowledge and skills within each learning area.

Personal and Social Development

Overall Expectations:

  • Demonstrate self-awareness, self-regulation, and a sense of belonging.
  • Show respect for others and the environment.

Specific Expectations:

  • Develop positive relationships with peers and adults.
  • Participate in group activities and follow routines.


Overall Expectations:

  • Communicate effectively using various forms of language.
  • Show interest in reading and writing activities.

Specific Expectations:

  • Use vocabulary to express thoughts and needs.
  • Recognize letters and sounds, and begin to write simple words.


Overall Expectations:

  • Understand basic number concepts and relationships.
  • Recognize patterns and shapes.

Specific Expectations:

  • Count objects and understand one-to-one correspondence.
  • Sort and classify objects based on attributes.

Science and Technology

Overall Expectations:

  • Explore and observe their environment.
  • Demonstrate curiosity and use simple tools and materials.

Specific Expectations:

  • Conduct simple experiments and make predictions.
  • Use technology to explore and solve problems.

Health and Physical Activity

Overall Expectations:

  • Demonstrate physical skills and knowledge of healthy practices.
  • Participate in physical activities.

Specific Expectations:

  • Show coordination in gross and fine motor tasks.
  • Understand the importance of healthy eating and hygiene.

The Arts

Overall Expectations:

  • Express creativity through various art forms.
  • Appreciate artistic expressions.

Specific Expectations:

  • Use different materials to create visual art.
  • Participate in music, dance, and drama activities.

Building a Strong Foundation

At 360° Kids Play School, we aim to provide a well-rounded education that respects and nurtures each child’s unique strengths and interests. Our programs are designed to engage children in meaningful learning experiences that promote cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. By doing so, we prepare our students for a successful transition to formal schooling and a lifelong love of learning.

Overall Expectations at 360° Kids Play School

At 360° Kids Play School, we have high expectations for all children in our playschool program, aiming for them to demonstrate achievement across six areas of learning by the end of their Kindergarten years. Our expectations are comprehensive and not segmented by Junior and Senior levels, recognizing the diverse developmental stages and prior learning experiences each child brings.

Individualized Learning Pathways

Given the varied developmental levels of children entering play school, we anticipate a wide range of achievement as they progress toward meeting our overall expectations. This diversity means that the journey towards meeting these expectations will be more challenging for some children than others. Our dedicated teachers closely monitor each child’s progress to provide tailored instruction that helps every child reach their full potential.

Adapting Instruction to Meet Needs

Our teaching approach is adaptive, based on ongoing assessment:

  • For children facing challenges: If a child struggles to make progress, the teacher will adjust their instructional methods to better meet the child’s needs, ensuring they receive the support necessary to advance.
  • For children who excel: If a child has already achieved some of the expected milestones, the teacher will provide opportunities to deepen and extend their learning, keeping them engaged and challenged.

Differentiated Instruction

Children enter Kindergarten at different stages, with some already able to demonstrate achievement of the program’s expectations. These children receive differentiated instruction from the outset, tailored to further enhance their abilities. Those who need more time to meet the expectations are supported to ensure they do not fall behind.

Focus Areas of Learning

Our curriculum is designed around six key areas of learning:

  1. Personal and Social Development: Fostering self-awareness, self-regulation, and respect for others.
  2. Language: Developing communication skills and fostering a love for reading and writing.
  3. Mathematics: Understanding basic number concepts, patterns, and shapes.
  4. Science and Technology: Encouraging exploration, observation, and the use of simple tools.
  5. Health and Physical Activity: Promoting physical skills and healthy practices.
  6. The Arts: Expressing creativity through visual art, music, dance, and drama.

Commitment to Excellence

At 360° Kids Play School, we are committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive environment that supports each child’s unique developmental journey. Our adaptive instructional strategies ensure that all children, regardless of their starting point, receive the guidance and opportunities they need to thrive. By the end of their Kindergarten years, we aim for all our students to have a strong foundation that will support their future academic success and lifelong love of learning.

Specific Expectations at 360° Kids Play School

Understanding the diverse cultural and economic backgrounds of families in Mahavir Enclave and the surrounding neighborhoods, 360° Kids Play School is committed to meeting the expectations of all parents and providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all children.

Detailed Learning Goals

Our specific expectations detail what children are expected to demonstrate as they progress through the Kindergarten years, encompassing both Junior and Senior Kindergarten. These expectations are grouped under subheadings within the six areas of learning to help organize particular aspects of knowledge and skills, serving as a guide for teachers in planning and delivering the learning program.

Six Areas of Learning and Their Subheadings

1. Personal and Social Development

  • Social Relationships: Developing positive relationships with peers and adults, participating in group activities, and understanding social norms.
  • Self-Regulation: Managing emotions and behaviors, following routines, and demonstrating self-control.

2. Language

  • Speaking and Listening: Using vocabulary to express thoughts and needs, listening attentively, and following directions.
  • Reading: Recognizing letters and sounds, understanding basic print concepts, and enjoying stories.
  • Writing: Using writing tools, forming letters, and beginning to write simple words and sentences.

3. Mathematics

  • Number Sense: Counting objects, understanding quantities, and basic addition and subtraction.
  • Geometry and Spatial Sense: Recognizing shapes, understanding spatial relationships, and sorting objects.
  • Measurement and Data: Comparing sizes, using non-standard units of measure, and interpreting simple graphs.

4. Science and Technology

  • Exploration and Inquiry: Observing the environment, asking questions, and making predictions.
  • Technology Use: Using simple tools and technology to solve problems and explore concepts.

5. Health and Physical Activity

  • Physical Skills: Developing gross and fine motor skills through activities like running, jumping, and drawing.
  • Healthy Practices: Understanding the importance of hygiene, healthy eating, and physical activity.

6. The Arts

  • Visual Arts: Exploring different materials and techniques to create art.
  • Music and Movement: Participating in singing, dancing, and rhythm activities.
  • Drama: Engaging in imaginative play and role-playing scenarios.

Instructional Strategies

Teachers at 360° Kids Play School use the specific expectations to focus on particular aspects of knowledge and skills as they develop and present various lessons. These expectations help ensure that:

  • Instruction is Tailored: Recognizing that not all children learn in the same way or at the same pace, instruction is adjusted to meet individual needs.
  • Holistic Development: Children are supported in achieving a balanced development across all areas of learning.
  • Continuous Assessment: Ongoing assessments help teachers monitor progress and adapt teaching strategies to support each child’s growth.

Inclusive and Supportive Environment

Our approach is designed to cater to the diverse needs of our community, ensuring that every child feels included and supported in their learning journey. By focusing on specific expectations within organized subheadings, we can provide a comprehensive and effective educational experience that prepares children for future academic success and personal development.

Join us at 360° Kids Play School, where we nurture each child’s unique potential and foster a lifelong love of learning.

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