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360 Kids Play School

Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting at 360° Kids Play School

At 360° Kids Play School, we believe that young children show their understanding through various forms, including doing, showing, writing, scribbling, and telling. To accurately assess and evaluate children’s achievements, our teachers use a combination of observation, listening, and asking probing questions.

Assessment and Evaluation

  • Assessment involves gathering information through observable evidence of what a child can do, say, and apply.
  • Evaluation entails judging and interpreting the assessment data to determine the child’s progress in meeting the overall learning expectations.

Key Components of Assessment

  1. Observation: This is the most crucial aspect of assessment in our Kindergarten classroom. It is integrated with all other assessment strategies, forming the basis for effective teaching and instruction. Through continual observation, monitoring, and documentation, our teachers assess children’s learning and report on their progress to both parents and the children.

  2. Ongoing Assessment: Children demonstrate their achievements through various learning opportunities suited to their developmental stage. Our teachers understand that the adjustment period to the school environment can vary for each child and provide ample time for each child to showcase their learning.

  3. Varied Demonstration of Learning: Children show their learning in different ways, influenced by factors such as the time of day, situation, type of questions asked, and familiarity with the content. To accommodate these factors, our teachers assess learning continuously through everyday classroom experiences, using diverse strategies and tools.

  4. Focus on Strengths: Our assessment strategies emphasize what children know and can do, considering their developmental stages. This approach helps teachers refine their activities and teaching methods to better support children’s learning expectations.

  5. Differentiated Instruction: Some children may require individualized instruction to meet their unique needs. Our teachers tailor their strategies to ensure all children can progress towards achieving the overall expectations.

Methods of Assessment and Evaluation

The methods used for assessing and evaluating children’s learning are based on the learning expectations. These methods are frequent, well-planned, and organized, enabling teachers to help each child progress towards the overall expectations. The primary focus is on informal diagnostic assessment of prior learning and formative assessment to support ongoing learning and determine effective instructional methods.

Observation in the Classroom

Observation is the primary assessment strategy used at 360° Kids Play School. Teachers focus their observations on specific skills, concepts, and characteristics described in the learning expectations. They document their observations through:

  1. Portfolios: Records of reading behaviors and other developmental milestones.
  2. Developmental Continua Conferences: Discussions on developmental progress.
  3. Age and Stage-of-Development Charts: Visual aids to track growth.
  4. Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment: Encouraging children to reflect on their own and others’ learning.


Teachers communicate the assessment and evaluation results to parents, children, and other stakeholders involved in the child’s learning. Reporting includes:

  • Methods Used: Details of the assessment and evaluation methods employed.
  • Expectations Assessed: Specific learning expectations that were assessed.
  • Purpose of Assessment: The goals behind the assessments.

Reporting is a continuous process, reflecting each child’s growth and achievement relative to the learning expectations. It includes a variety of formal and informal methods, such as written reports and conversations with parents.

Engage with Us

Parents seeking more information on our assessment, evaluation, and reporting system can create an account on our website or visit our play school in Mahavir Enclave. We welcome you to join us in supporting your child’s educational journey.

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